![]() 亞洲最大綜合殯葬企業富貴集團為亞洲最大的綜合殯葬企業,業務遍布亞洲各地,包括馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國、印尼及越南。從1990年創立至今,榮獲無數獎項,高素質的產品與專業的服務一再獲得國際肯定。富貴集團堅持為客戶提供最專業、細心和周全的一站式殯葬服務,讓逝者安息,生者安心。 Bereavement Care Provider Nirvana, Asia's largest integrated bereavement care provider, has been providing services to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam since its founding in 1990. A winner of numerous international awards for its world-class products and services. It is the definitive provider of professional, detailed and one-stop bereavement care services, giving both the departed and the living the peace of mind they deserve. 願景 Vision 富貴集團致力於把一門傳統的行業,轉化為專業 化的企業,顛覆一般人對墓地陰森恐怖的刻板印象。我們用心營造雅靜親和的優美空間,讓逝者在莊嚴的氛围下回歸生命的原點。 Nirvana Asia Group is transforming a very tradition-bound industry into a professional enterprise-driven entity to change the general public perception of cemeteries being unfriendly places We build memorial parks with heart that are characterized by beautiful yet serene and solemn environments and landscapes so that your departed loved ones can truly rest in peace. With this, life can move on and the spirit can live on eternally企业简介富贵集团坚守“关怀生命”的企业理念,提供最为专业、细心、周全的一站式殡仪、土葬或火葬服务,确保丧家安心,无后顾之忧。这种品质优越的服务,让集团成为了行业的标杆,致使丧葬事宜,融合敬爱和尊荣的人文感念。 自成立第一家获得雪州政府批准的私营化墓园—士毛月富贵山庄,至今,富贵集团业务已横跨海内外各地,包括:雪兰莪州莎亚南、巴生、吉隆坡、槟城、大山脚、吉打州双溪大年、柔佛州古来、昔加末、地南、沙巴州亚庇、砂拉越州诗巫、印尼雅加达、棉兰、新加坡、泰国、中国及越南。 |
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